Stop Cramps During Football Games, Eliminate Being a Total Jackass, and Build More Muscle...
Someone, oh someone, please tell me why I got over TWO DOZEN phone calls and emails from players and coaches complaining that half the damn team is cramping up and leaving the field during games...or are suffering "minor injuries"...which end up being nothing more than muscle cramp related?
Cramps are a bastard, I suffered from them for YEARS. But, the solution is simple...however, what really has caused me to flip my proverbial wig, is HOW some of these guys are cramping up...
Seems a ton of guys are drinking those horrid "energy" drinks before games...Rockstar, Redbull, etc.
RedBull Givess Youuuu....Cramps.
First of all, those drinks are LOADED with sugar and some are carbonated. A double whammy of muscle-cramp-causing-crap.
Second, they also contain caffeine...which is what provides the energy. This is also a substance that dehydrates you. Now, I'm all for caffeine before a game...but you have to ensure that you match it with adequate fluids.
Third, while you MAY get a brief "up" from the caffeine, you will then CRASH HARDCORE from the sugar.
Same thing happens with Gatorade.
Yes, Gatorade sucks too.
(for you non-football players reading this...if you think you're going to build any kind of muscle while being dehydrated chronically...forget it. Muscle is about 30% nitrogen {protein} and 70%...WATER)
So, what do you do to prevent muscle cramps during football games...and build some muscle? need:
1 Gallon of Spring Water
1/2 TBS of Sea Salt or Kosher Salt
1/2TBS Potassium Chloride
Sugar Free Drink Flavoring (optional)
Potassium Chloride comes in a powder can get it online or at most health food should cost less than $5, so don't get ripped off. I like NOW Brand.
If you can't get the powder, Walmart and Costco sell tablets, but, you'll need to take a lot of them as they're limited to 3% of RDA per tab.
What makes this Secret Jug Juice so special?
The sea salt and potassium are triple what is found in gatorade and there's 0 sugar.
Most people assume that when you sweat a lot, you just drink more water to compensate. Close but no cigar...
Problem with that is that although you replace your lost water, you are also "washing away" your key minerals...sodium (salt) and potassium.
And, potassium, without salt is worthless. Sodium is needed to transport potassium across the cell membranes and into the cells. (See, you SHOULD pay attention in Biology class)
How much should you drink?
If it's still extremely hot or humid, many will have to drink NO LESS THAN one Gallon...Some, like me, usually go through almost 2 gallons over the course of a game/post game (pre game, the game itself, and post game)
And, remember, even when it gets cooler out, you STILL need to drink about a gallon of this potion.
Leaving the game with a cramp is a punk move. Stop drinking Liquid Sugar in overpriced cans and start drinking something that will kill cramps, help you build muscle and keep you in the game.
For those of you who need help with a killer nutritional and supplement program, you've gotta CLICK HERE to check this out. It's an amazing program that will help you maintain and even gain muscle during the season, prevent cramps and have your body performing at it's maximum! Check it out, Click Here
Nice blog thanks for sharing..
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