Saturday, September 3, 2011

3 Best Musle Gain Exercises for the Legs

Need to Build Muscle in the Legs? Try These 3 Killer Mass Builders

If you're having trouble trying to gain weight and building overall mass, your leg training might be the problem.

Frankly, I see so many guys developed like a lightbulb that it's not even funny...if you only train half your body, expect half the results!

So, beginners and intermediates alike,...if you want to gain some serious muscle, start hammering the legs with big money exercises like these 3:

1. Snatch Grip Deadlifts

These are a killer mass builder for the legs...and the back and traps as well.

They come from Olympic lifting as an assistance exercise for the Snatch. I often use them with my football players because of the crazy increases in speed and athleticism they cause....

But, they're not just for athletes. The Snatch Grip Dead is excellent for building muscle, fast. I've seen guys literally gain 10, 12lbs of muscle in 4-weeks after adding these to their mass building workouts

2. Romanian Deadlift

Here's another great exercise borrowed from the olympic lifters and athletes. In football, we use them to gain speed, power and mass in the hamstrings and glutes.

For the muscle head, you want to use the Romanian Deadlift (RDL) because it puts an intense stress on the hamstrings, glutes and lower back (and some on the middle back as well). This, plus a good mass building diet, will lead to major muscle gains!

The RDL can be used both as a heavy, low rep movement, or, it can be used for medium-high reps. Both are good if your looking to gain muscle fast.

3. Front Squats

If your mass building workouts don't include Front Squats, what the hell are you doing?

Front Squats are excellent for beefing up the quads and glutes. They teach overall body strength and will carry over to all kinds of other exercises like Squats, Presses and Deadlifts.

Learn to Front Squat properly and watch your weight'll have bigger legs and more overall muscle for your efforts.

Use the front squat as a heavy, low rep exercises. Start some of your lower body training sessions with them.

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